VBS, boy that brings back some memories: glitter all over everything, handmade crafts on the fridge door, butter cookies and kool-aid, and shrinking if you don't read the Bible (you remember the song). This year, however, Vacation Bible School creates all kinds of emotions for me because (drum roll...............) I AM LEADING OUR VBS PLANNING!!!! I don't know if I should be scared, excited, honored, or overwhelmed. Well, I guess I am a little of all four. Scared - Can I do this? Excited - This will be fun! Honored - They really think I can do this? and Overwhelmed - What have I gotten myself into?
Our theme is "Down at the Farm." We will be spending 3 days learning about Jesus' parables that have farm themes. The days are June 8-11. Hopefully on the fourth day we will have a petting zoo and lunch for the kids. If the petting zoo doesn't pan out, we will have a 4th story on the last day and still serve the kids lunch for an end of VBS party. Now is when I ask for help. Does anyone know of any great, but cheap, crafts to go with an animal theme? Also, for my friends from church, will you be willing to lend a helping hand? Thanks in advance for all your help.